Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sisingaan (Traditional Art)

Subang Regency Arts Society

Sisingaan is a type of art or traditional performing arts of the people who made the procession in the form of a Bulk. The show usually displayed at the ceremony khitanan or special occasions such as welcoming guests, entertainment, dedication, Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia and other large activities.

Sisingaan (Traditional Art) In his art sisingaan there are elements such as art and dance, sports (Pencak Silat and Jaipongan), karawitan art, literature and art and clothing. All these elements together form a cohesive and a dance and song and added the movement that formed a stuntman formation as standen.

Equipment used in the performance of each; stretcher sisingaan, horn, percussion, kempul, and kecrek goong. Clothing PLAYERS sundanese using traditional clothing such as shorts shucks, headgear, belt, clothes shucks sisingaan rider usually children who are in circumcision

The etimologis, sisingaan comes from the word "lion", that is a form of go-cart that looks like a lion body. Why should the form of a lion? It seems that the animal lion symbolizes courage, strength and courage.
According to art experts note (artists), art sisingaan first appeared in 1957 in the village Ciherang about 5 km south of Subang. And to develop regional Cigadung and other areas around the City Subang. Figures that are popularize Ki demang Ama Bintang, Ki Rumsi, Jani Mama Narasoma lurah, dan Ki Alhawi.

Until now, the arts sisingaan has been developing rapidly and have recorded about 200 group with the number of the artists 2695. Development is not only in the Subang area but has grown in the area of Sumedang and Bandung regency.

Because of that development, to preserve this art Subang regency government always holds festivals regularly and to promote national and provincial level, especially among the Government and the business world.

ShowSisingaan (Traditional Art)
The show Sisingaan basically started with a dynamic accompaniment. Then followed by a game Sisingaan by sisingaan dancers, through movement, among others: Preparation, Bangkaret, Masang / ancang-ancang, Gugulingan, Sepak dua), mundur, Kael, Mincid, Ewag, Jeblag, taktak, Gendong Singa, singa , Angkat jungjung, Ngolecer, Lambang, Pasagi Tilu, Melak cau, Nincak rancatan, dan Kakapalan (term used in the arts Sisingaan. In Sunda). Art as a direct, Sisingaan moving continuously beset village, town or street. Until finally back to where they are. In the development, train more dynamic music, and music delivered Genjring Bonyok and also Tardug.

The pattern continued Sisingaan include:
  1. Tatalu (Music played during the show started) tetabuhan or keringan
  2. Kidung or Kembang gadung (Sunda song)
  3. Tari (Ibingan) among solor, Gondang, ewang (kangsreng), catrik, and others
  4. Attraction or demonstration, usually called the attraction kamonesan in performance Sisingaan originally inspired by the attraction Ayem Adem (genjring Acrobatic) and Liong (Barongsai) (Art traditional indonesian other)
  5. Closing performance with music keringan.
Sisingaan (Traditional Art)Music suite.

Music Sisingaan escort initially quite simple, such as: Kendang Induk (2 pieces), Kulanter, Bonang (percussion), Tarompet, goong, Kempul, Kecrek.(Traditional music) play music and equipment tied to the body. In its development now use it (Sinden) with songs (both vocal and intrumental), among others: Keringan song, ballad song, song Titipatipa, Gondang song, song Kasreng, Selingan song (Siyur, Tepang Sono, durable rajet, Fiber salira , Honey and poisons, Pria Idaman, Goyang Dombret, Warudoyong etc.), Gurudugan song, song or Mapay Roko Mars-an (as a cover song). The song is a song in Sisingaan taken from the repertoire of Ketuk Tilu, Doger and Kliningan.(sunda traditional song )

The meaning in the song. (traditional songs western Java).

There is some significance in the performing arts Sisingaan, including:
  • The meaning of social, Subang people believe that the very soul of the people involved in them, such as egalitarian, spontaneity, and have a sense of each type of folk art that appears.
  • Meaning teatrikal, seen from the appearance of adult Sisingaan no doubt this is teatrikal, especially after the added variety, such as jajangkungan and others.
  • The meaning of a commercial, because Sisingaan able to improve their welfare, then the emergence of a number of enthusiasm and even tens of hundreds of different groups Sisingaan village to participate in the festival, this represents an opportunity, because the winner will get the business opportunities that arouse, as well as art bajidoran.
  • The meaning of universal, in each of the ethnic peoples are often owned and worship of animals Lion (Lion) (especially Europe and Africa), although in West Java there is no habitat for animal lion, but with the concept Civilitation, may not appear in the lion habitat, and received as own, as evidenced in the Sisingaan.
  • Spiritual Meaning, trusted by the community for environmental safety / (salametan) or syukuran (Pray to God)

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